Vacation Weight Gain

I just got back from vacation and boy is my digestive system tired. Vacation was great, however I was away from the family and my support system. I decided to just let my hair down (bald joke) and go hog wild. I ate everything under the sun and I washed it all down with some suds. I drank. I drank every day of vacation. Some days I drank more than once. Have I ever mentioned that I love beer? Well I do, and I made sure to take advantage of my freedom. I also had the pleasure of drinking some beers that are only available to me on the east coast, namely Yuengling and Blue Light. Today, my first day after vacation, I weighed in and I think I'm pregnant. I just pulled up my Fitbit app and over the course of my 5 days of vacation I managed to put on 6 pounds. I can erase that 6 pounds swiftly but I am definitely going to have to work at getting back into my normal routine and eating habits. Speaking of eating habits, I feel like I have mentioned that I h...