Goals and Cliffhangers
Starting weight: 274.4 Weight at bedtime 6/29: 270.8 While I have no qualms about sitting here and taking the W on losing a few pounds over the last few days it comes with the free admission that this all happened during my days off from work where I have many less temptations than when I am not at home. The last couple of days have been pretty busy and as such I haven't had much time to sit around and work myself into a boredom hunger or anything similar. Tomorrow is back to the work grind and back to infinite temptations, the real reason that I sit here pounding the keyboard talking about how my love handles have love handles. But whatever, such is life. I have made my bed over the course of the past 5 years and now I lie in it slowly working my way out of the situation I have put myself in. I want to thank everyone for the support that I have gotten so far. The kind words and the people talking about potentially joining in really lifts my spirits and h...