Work in Progress
I am a work in progress. My determination is a work in progress. My will power is a work in progress. I have my good days and my bad days but as long as the good days well out number my bad days I will continue to make progress towards my ultimate goal, being healthier. Another week has passed and I am down overall during the course of that week. That means that this is also the last week of Challenge Round 9 and it is time to make sure I hit my goal and knock it out of the water. I had great feedback on my last post where I talked about the types of people who weigh-in and a lot of my friends told me that they are also a Type 3, much like myself. For some reason, knowing this information is comforting. Another friend told me that I should look at my weeks in terms of what my average weight was instead of what I weigh each individual day. With this in mind, and luckily enough, my Fitbit app keeps track of this information for me. So, while yesterday I bro...