My Own Personal Shame
I wanted to start out by showing part of the artwork that is being designed for this blog, and the future podcast. This is done by one of my friends, and a talented guy, Adam Leonhardt . Now, let the public shaming begin! One of my favorite things about joining weight loss communities is the before and after shots posted by people who are proud of the achievements they have made during their own journey. You look at their before pictures and they usually don't look happy, their posture is off and there is just a general sense of doom and gloom. Then you see their after picture where their posture has dramatically changed and now there is a huge smile on their face. The picture emits bliss and it is contagious. The only way one is able to post those pictures is they have to take the before shots so that they can get to the after . I took this picture a couple weeks after I started with intermittent fasting with the intention of posting it right aw...