
2021 in a nutshell

2021 has now gone and one of the biggest goals I set for myself I nailed! To walk 2021 miles in 2021. I have attached the information from my Fitbit below: 5,099,613 steps 2300.98 miles That is a lot of steps and I'm proud that I accomplished the goal I set out to hit. It is over and I need to look ahead to where I will be in 2022.  The obvious answer is that I want to walk 2022 miles in 2022 and continue the trend.  I have some friends who also played along last year, Mathman and RedeyeJay, and I believe they will be going for the same goal this year. However, I would also like to improve upon what I did last year and get to at least 5,100,000 steps. This comes out to almost 13,973 steps every day.  That is such an odd number so let's bump it up to 14,000 steps minimum and that puts us at 5,110,000 steps for the year. If I can manage to get my average to 15,000 steps every day then I would be up to 5,475,000.   Usually I start the year out strong and then fade ...

Back to Stepping and Feedburner

  I have a Book of Face friend who is starting up #75Hard today and I was immediately drawn to it. The first draw was that I went through the challenge last year and really enjoyed it.  It was hard and challenging and I felt that my life was improving during the challenge in different ways. Then the challenge ended and I took a break and then a vacation hit and then I decided to eat anything and everything I wanted and next thing you know BOOM, I not only fell off the wagon but I no longer had a way to track the wagon to see where it was any more.   During this break I was working on my protein and nutrients and over the course of 8 weeks I pretty much stayed the same weight.  I know that I would have lost weight if I was actually doing any real exercise in order to create a caloric deficit, but that wasn't happening.  I was enjoying not doing two 45 minute exercises per day. So, as it were, one thing led to another and there was some minor weight gain and ...

70 Difficult

Last year I went through #75Hard and came out the other end of it a better, and slimmer person.  Since that has ended I have continued to lose some weight and work on myself, but lately I have come to a point of stagnation. I've been talking to someone about getting my nutrition right because there is this theory out there that the body needs protein to build muscle so you can continue to lose weight the healthy way.  Since I have started changing the way I eat I have started regressing a little bit. You see, one of my biggest problems is that I'm a food addict.  I love food. I love to eat. I love to over eat and I love to eat all the stuff that is bad for me.  Intermittent Fasting helped me keep those urges under control and get me on the path of successful weight loss.  I have gone through the process twice now and when I stop fasting I start falling back into my old habits.  Once I start eating more regularly (instead of one or maybe 2 meals a day) then ...

It's the end of January as we know it - Yeah, I feel fine

 Sometimes you don't account for exhaustion.  I wanted to report back after every week and put out an update on where my mileage stood, but as you can see that did not happen.  Here I sit on January 31st and looking forward to my life returning to a little bit of normalcy as my 6 week work project is officially over and I'll be returning to my normal work shifts. I'll be able to get my sleeping patterns back, this is muy importante! Walk the Year - 2021 miles in 2021 As I approached this weekend I saw that 250 miles for January was within reach and I wanted to make sure I hit it.  Today I took a 3 mile walk with my wife and tonight I hit the elliptical for an hour so that I could guarantee that I got all my miles in.  While my Fitbit and my elliptical disagree with each other over how many steps I got in during that 1 hour trek it doesn't matter because I surpassed 250 miles no matter how you look at it. If I can keep up the pace of 250 miles per month then that...

Walk The Year Week 1 update

 As I have stated previously, I plan on continuing my journey into a better lifestyle during 2021 and beyond. Because of that dedication to myself I signed up for a challenge to log 2021 miles in 2021. I had one other person sign up with me and that is my good buddy, the Skinny Man in Texas, Ryan.  And as of right now we have one other person sharing their daily/weekly results with us on twitter. Week 1 results. Skinny Man in Texas: 66.44 Miles - Pace 3,464 Miles  Fat Man in Vegas: 53.86 Miles - Pace 2,808 Miles Smooth Man from Parts Unknown:  45.99 Miles - Pace 2,398 Miles Each one of us is on pace to hit 2021 individually before the end of the year! Keep up the great work and if anyone else out there is reading this, feel free to share your results. Remember, the goal isn't to outdo everyone else, the goal is to just try to do more than you did last year and to stay active!  I'd love to hear from anyone else with what they are doing in 2021 to improve.

Countdown to Walk The Year

 If you pop on over to google and type in Run the Year or Run the Edge you'll come across a company who has a unique virtual event that lasts the full year in which your goal is to get in the same amount of miles as the year. As soon as I saw it I knew that this would be a great challenge for me to partake in for 2021 to continue my fitness goals.  75Hard was great and I made some amazing strides over the course of it, so I definitely wanted to keep finding ways to push myself into the new year so that I don't fall back into my old routines.  Run the Year is that challenge, even though I will be walking most of it. If you sign up and I still have open spaces you can feel free to join my team, just search for #Backloggers. While it is set up to do 2021 miles as a team my goal is to do the miles by myself. Since ending 75Hard I have lost an additional 5 pounds and I am pushing hard to get myself to 230 by the time the new year rolls in.  There is no real reason why ex...

Stepping it up

 Over the course of #75Hard I have been getting in a lot more steps as a natural result of walking more.  So, I got to thinking and was curious what my numbers looked like over previous years when I was not doing the program. Looking at past data is always fun for me and I didn't realize that I have been using a Fitbit since 2013.  In fact, I have all of the same time period for 2013 - 2019 except one year where I broke a Fitbit and didn't replace it because I had such sever Plantar Fasciitis that I could barely walk and didn't care. I'm going to put this data in the form of Steps and Miles during my 75Hard time frame (October 1st - December 14th) and then what I did for the entire year.  Obviously when I get to 2020 I won't be able to put the year data since it is not over yet but I will make it as up-to-date as possible. 2013: 75Hard - 857,361 Steps and 388 Miles Year - 1,706,93 Steps and 777.46 Miles I got my Fitbit in August so these stats are reflective of Augu...